Saturday, 25 August 2012


“Using many materials for different purposes enables children to recognise that different technologies may be used in various places and things” (Ministry of Education, 1996, p 95). In my centre we have one camera. I noticed that the children run up to me after I take a photo of them or things they make. The children would ask me if they could see the photo that I had taken. I was surprised to see that children knew that you could see the photo after you have taken it, I wasn’t sure children knew that cameras can view photos, because when I was young the cameras that I was exposed to had a film instead of a memory card, and it did not view a photo you had to wait for the film to be developed in order to see what you have taken.



“Growing experience in solving problems together develops children’s understanding of how technologies can help them and others” (Ministry of Education, 1997). I gave the children the opportunity to take photos with the camera, they had to share this one camera amongst them, I noticed that they took turns taking photos of each other and then they would run back and look at the photos, children learnt to share this one piece of equipment and shared the photos for their other friends to see. I then uploaded the photos to their computer and children asked me “how does the photos on the camera go on the computer” and one child said “the memory card holds the photos” their knowledge of this piece of technology surprised me; these children are also exposed to technology at home.

With the childrens photos that I uploaded to the computer, I gave them the chance to edit their pictures. Because we don’t have the technology to show the childrens photos to the parents, we print the photos out and display it on the walls where the parents and children come through to drop the children off. To me it was a good idea because the child and their family member walk in together and the child can talk with the parents with what he or she took pictures off. This is also a good chance for the parents to see what their children are interested in as some parents need to go work and don’t have that time to sit down and view their Childs pictures.


“Technology is about helping people and solving problems” (Smorti, 1999). Having children interact with this technology they can experience how it functions and find out how it works. Children can learn to problem solve and see what would happen if they push certain buttons. Not only can they develop an understanding of the camera they could also teach and show other children and their families how it works. Technology can help create new experiences that children can also relate to other places in their environment, it can help children build and ask questions that they can find the answers to with the help of us teachers and also find knowledge from their own experiences. Ellis & Van Scoter (2001) states “studies highlight the opportunities for language use and interaction that technology offers children” (p.9).

Growing up I wasn’t exposed to the electronic technology we are lucky to have today if we can provide the experiences of technology and its benefits to our children it can take them a long way in life, they would also find it very useful as our children are really keen learners that want love to learn and find new things.



Reference List

Ellis, D., & Van Scoter, J. (2001) Technology in Early childhood Education: Finding the
              Balance.Northwest Regional Educational Laboratory.

Ministry of Education. (1996). Te Whāriki: He whāriki mātauranga mō ngā mokopuna o Aotearoa : Early childhood curriculum. Wellington, New Zealand: Learning Media.

Smorti, S. (1999) Technology in Early Childhood. Early Education, 19, 5-10.



  1. I agree with you in saying that technology is getting so advanced that as an educator and an adult I at times struggle to familiarize myself with it. On the other hand children are such fast learners that in no time they are able to master the item. Next time you could also print the pictures out for the children and ask them to re-tell what was happening in the pictures and write a children's vice on it. Cameras are very useful as it captures the unseen moments. With supervision children may also use it. Tu Meke!!

  2. 30/08/12
    It is difficult for us to learn how to use technology, as for children they are competent learners, they learned things easily and with cameras, I noticed that children were able to solve problems by sharing the camera with their friends, recalls images and improving their memories. I agree with you that when children develop communication with their parents they recall images that they took using the camera. I noticed that using camera children in your centre develops a sense of trust, sense of belonging; they were able to ask questions and experiencing new technological skills. I suggests that doing a learning story about how children came across this new technology and put it in their portfolios would be a good idea as then parents will be able to have a good look at the photos their child took with the cameras; as some parents rushed in the morning as well as the afternoon pick up their kids without noticing the photos on the wall. As with portfolios they will be able to sit down with their child and talk about their new learning experience, overall a good entry.
    This is fun how this kid uses a cam hat I suggest you visit this site:

  3. Kia ora Trisha, I am glad that your centre allows children to have access to cameras. At my centre, children are not allowed to access the centre’s camera but when I am at my centre I allow the children to use my camera but they miss out on their picture taking experiences when I am not at the centre. I had a discussion with my supervisor about providing the children with a camera but she said that they used to allow children to access the centre’s camera before but one of the children dropped it and it stopped working so that is why they do not allow children to access their cameras anymore. Children just love taking photos of themselves and their peers. I wasn’t exposed to electronic technology as well when I was young and I found it really hard to operate technology devices when I grew older. Keep on enhancing children’s learning towards technology Trisha! Tumeke!

  4. Talofa Lava! Again I see you have a few amount of interest that occur from the children’s which sometimes children’s interest is not recognizable and just gone by without teacher’s even acknowledge it. You’ve share how children surprise you with how much they know about technology and I’m totally agree with you. I had that same experience in my centre and seriously it was just a mouth drop to the ground. Lol. Sometime adults estimate children yet children surprises and teach us everyday which I find it amazing. You gave the children the opportunity together with an option to choose if they want to edit their photo or not. When the children have that ability to make decision, choose what they like to explore than learning is more meaningful to them. I have to admit that was a good strategies idea of displaying the photo on the wall. I do understand you point of view because in our centre we have those type of parent’s who are in and out. They don’t even have some spare time to look at their child portfolio but by reading our reflection I now have some idea. This idea will attract the parents or caregiver to get involved more in their children’s learning. I really enjoy reading your blog Trisha and thank you for sharing it with us.
